The Sooke Fine Art Show has come and gone. I didn't find any red dots this year but a lot of other pieces sold.
The quality of work was terrific. I have to congratulate the volunteers, the artists and the planners of the show once again.
This year I thought I would show you some of my favourites from the exhibition. The work was so varied and really became a visual feast.
Jeff Molloy (Mars Black) -The Good Book and the Blanket Box.
Anne Boquist - Jasmine and Peppy's New Ride.
Phoebe Dunbar - Birdseye Feast and Moonshell
Janet Dwyer - Refuge #4 of 12 and Orb Weavers #4 of 12
Mark Heine - Earth Days and Parade Floret
Krystyna Jervis - Nature Triptych
Iris Nardini - Solo
Muriel Sibley - Burden
Marla Thirsk - Disconnect
Tina Fyfe - Oil
I hope you enjoy these links and the work you will see. Next year try and make it out to the show, I'm sure you will enjoy it.
The quality of work was terrific. I have to congratulate the volunteers, the artists and the planners of the show once again.
This year I thought I would show you some of my favourites from the exhibition. The work was so varied and really became a visual feast.
Jeff Molloy (Mars Black) -The Good Book and the Blanket Box.
Anne Boquist - Jasmine and Peppy's New Ride.
Phoebe Dunbar - Birdseye Feast and Moonshell
Janet Dwyer - Refuge #4 of 12 and Orb Weavers #4 of 12
Mark Heine - Earth Days and Parade Floret
Krystyna Jervis - Nature Triptych
Iris Nardini - Solo
Muriel Sibley - Burden
Marla Thirsk - Disconnect
Tina Fyfe - Oil
I hope you enjoy these links and the work you will see. Next year try and make it out to the show, I'm sure you will enjoy it.